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Beam Squat

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The Technique

"Its How Good You Look Doing It. . .

That Leads To How Good You're Going To Look."

--Master Fit Pro Shon P. Riber

Knee Tracking - Keep Knees Tracking Over Beam. The best way to learn proper knee tracking is with balance training. As an avid wake boarder, I am constantly aware of my center of mass over my stance. Anything off access either ends up in an incredible trick or disaster depending on my spatial awareness.

Shoulder Conditioning - Use Shoulder Strength to Keep Arms Level to Floor. When Beam Squatting raise arms. This extra motion will help to keep your Posture Neutral during exercise.

Range of Motion - Be Sure To Extend Completely Through Knees & Hips. When starting your hips are pushed back over the green. At the top of the movement be sure to tuck your pelvis neutral under your Posture.

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